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From Flare-Ups to Freedom: Your Journey to Fungal Acne-Free Skin | Vibrant Dermatology

5 Skincare Tips for Your 30s, According to Dermatologists

“The aging process starts much earlier than many people expect,” explains Joyce Imahiyerobo-Ip, MD, FAAD, founder and CEO of Vibrant Dermatology and Skin Bar MD.

The 12 Best Blackhead Removers of 2023

We can pick, squeeze, and extract without abandon, but days later, blackheads are back, taunting us in the bathroom mirror. When professional extractions aren’t possible, the best way to get rid of blackheads is to treat them with a topical formula that can decongest and unclog skin with powerful chemical exfoliants.
many sunscreens

Best Face Serums

It’s true. There are so many skincare products—moisturizers, face oils, retinoids, eye creams, face masks—that it can get pretty overwhelming at times. You probably know you always need the basics like a moisturizer, a cleanser, and sunscreen, but what about the rest?

15 Best Serums for Acne-Prone Skin 2023

While many people associate breakouts with their teenage years, adult acne is a very common experience that can occur up until your 40s, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Peptides vs Retinol: How to Use Each so Your Skin Gets the Best of Both Worlds

Trying to figure out the difference between the various skincare ingredients out there can get confusing. There’s hyaluronic acid and niacinamide, retinols and retinoids, collagen and ceramides… You know they’re all good for the skin, but how do you know which ingredients to prioritize, and how the heck can you shop for skincare products?

The Buzzy Skin-Care Product Worth Adding To Your Routine

f you hear the phrase “skin-care hybrid” and get overwhelmed, you’re not alone. It’s understandable—it seems like every other day there’s a new category cropping up in the beauty industry, leaving you lost amidst a sea of products.



woman looking into the mirror

Dermatologist warns of three hidden spots where skin cancer often appears

Summer is almost here, which means — for much of the nation — more time in the sun. And while it’s fun to spend hours on the beach or relaxing by the pool, it’s crucial that you take precautions to protect yourself from the damage these rays can inflict.

Five Must-Have Lash Serums And Enhancers For Irresistibly Luscious Lashes

If our eyes are the windows to the soul I guess that makes our eyelashes the window dressings. I recently noticed that I was losing some of my ‘window treatments’ so I ventured out to find some answers and, even more importantly, solutions.
many sunscreens

8 Dermatologist-Recommended Sunscreens Under $50

If every dermatologist had to condense their wisdom into one thirty-second elevator pitch for patients, my guess is it’d probably be “wear sunscreen.”
Skin tightening treatments

11 Dermatologists on Their Desert Island Beauty Product

We know, we know—derms love sunscreen (and for very good reason, of course). But what about the plethora of other skin-saving products there are to think about? We asked 11 of the top dermatologists on our roster and their answers might surprise you. (P.S. You still need to wear your SPF.)

Best Eyelash Serums

Dermatologists explain how eyelash serums work and the best ones to buy.

Must-Have Performance-Based Skincare For The Aging Body

I am a circle, not a square.