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What Does Salicylic Acid Do Your Skin? Dermatologists Explain

what is salicylic acid? What does it do? And can it benefit your skin in ways that have nothing to do with your blemishes? With the help of dermatologists Joyce Imahiyerobo-Ip of Vibrant Dermatology and Skin Bar MD in Boston

Everything You Need To Know About Dermaplaning

Listen up: It’s a myth that facial hair grows back thicker when you shave it. I know this because I shave my entire face once a month and have not yet turned into Chewbacca.
Skin tightening treatments

4 Retinol Myths

You don’t have to be well versed in the skincare world to know that retinol is a big deal. It’s common knowledge that the product has a lot of benefits, especially anti-aging powers.

9 ways to incorporate Vaseline into your beauty routine

If you love that dewy, moisturized, no-makeup makeup look when it comes to skincare, grab that Vaseline tub out from under your sink and get ready to glow.

Keratosis Pilaris Treatments That Actually Work

When you notice a new skin condition or problem, it can be frustrating and sometimes alarming. What caused it? Is your normal skincare routine not working anymore? Do you have to stock your beauty cabinet with new products to make it better?

The 24 Best Acne Face Washes To Help You Battle Breakouts

Anyone who deals with regular breakouts knows that it often doesn’t take much to trigger a pimple. That’s why there’s a good chance you take your skincare routine seriously, from finding the right gentle moisturizer to a spot treatment that seriously zaps zits.


Blue Light Products for Quarantine

These days, our eyeballs are glued to our phones, laptops and TV screens more than ever before—Netflix and chill, anyone?—and many of us are even turning to virtual fitness classes rather than sweating it out in a gym. Blue light is bombarding us from all angles, and our skin is paying the price.

Best Face Wash for Acne

Daily cleansing is the cornerstone of your skin-care routine, especially for those who have acne. Here are the dermatologist-recommended cleansers for every decade of your adult life.

Skincare Ingredients You Should Never Mix

Vitamin C, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids — these are just some of the skincare ingredients we use on a regular basis to target acne, reduce the signs of ageing and remove dead skin cells. These are all lauded in the skincare world, thanks to the efficacy of each ingredient. Want a brighter complexion? Vitamin C is your go-to.

Best Retinol Cream

Retinols make up the over-the-counter available class of retinoids, a vitamin A derivative that has anti-aging, anti-acne, anti-pigment, and even anti-cancer benefits

Wash Your Hands to Avoid COVID

Washing your hands shouldn’t be a trend. But here we are, friends.


milk cleansers

Our Dermatologist Swears by This $14 Moisturizer for Dry Skin

You know that dry, flaky thing your skin does no matter how much lotion you slather on? Us, too.

Your Cheat Sheet to Pregnancy-Safe Skin Care

Here’s what you can slather on — and what to avoid.
chemical peels

4 Anti-Aging Serums Dermatologists Swear By To Get Rid Of Wrinkles For GOOD

When it comes to building an amazing anti-aging skincare regime, your beauty cabinet absolutely needs to include a serum.

9 Dermatologist-Recommended Face and Body Products for Itch Relief That Lasts

It’s truly survival season for our skin whenever temperatures drop. Besides the fact that it’s cold outside–an understatement on some days–we’re also shuffling in and out of buildings with artificial heat. Now our skin’s confused and reacting on the fly.

10 Collagen Face Masks That Will Improve Your Skin's Health

Despite a healthy diet, exercise, and a lot of sleep, stress, anxiety, and hormonal changes can leave our skin feeling a little lackluster or dull.

The 12 Best Blackhead Removers of 2023

Peels, masks, cleansers, and more of the top blackhead-fighting products.


face scream

How to Moisturize Your Face the Right Way for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Derm-approved advice for every skin type.


We spoke with an expert about the best products out there.

Amazon Shoppers Say This $25 Neck Cream Makes Them 'Look 15 Years Younger'

Many people dedicate a significant amount of time and energy to perfecting their anti-aging skincare routines.
chemical peels

14 Face Masks Top Dermatologists Actually Use

Starting at $3.
people on the beach

The Best Après-Sun Skin-Care Products, According to Dermatologists

We don’t have to tell you that wearing sunscreen — whether you’re spending the day at the beach or just walking from the subway to your office — is an absolute must.