Wondering when to see a dermatologist for skin concerns in Canton, Massachusetts? Keep reading to learn when you should schedule an appointment with a skin care doctor.
Here’s When to See a Dermatologist for Skin Concerns in Canton, Massachusetts
Your skin health has a direct affect on your overall well-being.
Meeting with a dermatologist at least once a year is the best way to get the diagnosis and treatment you need, whether you’re dealing with a condition such as hyperpigmentation or something more serious.
Here’s when to see a dermatologist for skin concerns in Canton, Massachusetts:
- Mole changes: Moles are generally benign, but if you notice a change in size, shape, or color, you’ll want to have it evaluated for melanoma. You’ll want to consult with a doctor right away if a mole becomes itchy or bleeds.
- A persistent skin rash: Rashes aren’t uncommon, but most resolve on their own or with over-the-counter treatment. If you have a rash that lasts more than a few days and isn’t responding to treatment, you’ll want to consult with a dermatologist. This is especially true if the rash is red, weeping, or painful.
- Stubborn acne: Acne is another common skin condition, and for some, it can be extremely hard to treat. If options like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and other products aren’t helping to clear your skin, you may need professional treatment.
- Itchy skin: Itchy skin can be caused by an allergic reaction, an infection, or some other underlying condition. Sometimes, a prescription medication is needed to calm your skin.
Skin Emergency? Come to Vibrant Dermatology & Aesthetics for the Area’s Top Skin Care Specialist
Don’t ignore skin concerns! Whether you’re dealing with a nail infection or chronic psoriasis flare-ups, the team at Vibrant is here to help.
Call us today at 617-250-0257 to speak with an experienced member of our team. If you’re ready to schedule, book an appointment online now.