
The Best Facials in Needham, MA

Is your skin in need of total rejuvenation? At Vibrant Dermatology, we offer premium facial skin services to give you a glowing, radiant complexion. There are facials for all skin types, skin tones, and skin concerns. 

Each facial targets your skin’s unique needs to refresh and renew your complexion. Keep reading to learn about the best facials in Needham, MA, and their benefits for your skin. 

Aqua Facial

The Aqua Facial is a hydrating, gentle, cleansing facial that restores vibrancy and clarity to your skin. This facial extracts dirt and debris from your pores while infusing nourishing serums into your skin. 

If you are acne-prone, the deep exfoliation and cleansing process during the Aqua Facial can do wonders for your complexion. The Aqua Facial is perfect for people who need extra moisture and deep cleansing for their skin. 


The first step in an Aqua Facial is exfoliation. Exfoliation removes the outer layer of dead skin cells from your face. This is important to help serums and hydration absorb into your pores. Once the dead skin cells are cleared away, your skin is ready for deep cleaning and hydration. 


The second step is extraction. We use a suction-based wand to pull impurities from your pores. This gets rid of dirt and debris that has settled into your skin over long periods of time. 

In the past, other methods of extraction could irritate the skin. When you get an Aqua Facial, the extractions are gentle, and the strong suction removes all of the buildup from your pores. 


The third step in an Aqua Facial is infusion. This is the part that nourishes and hydrates your skin. During infusion, the suction wand adds beneficial serums and skincare products to your skin. The infusion process protects your skin’s barrier and adds nutrients to your skin. 

Hydrating Results

After your Aqua Facial, your skin will be smooth and silky. You will notice optimal hydration in the days following your Aqua Facial. The treatment causes your skin to shed dead skin cells and debris, so your complexion will continually improve. 

In the days following your appointment, you will continue to be impressed with your radiant, glowing complexion. 

This facial is gentle enough for sensitive, irritated skin. The Aqua Facial is one of the most versatile skin treatments we offer. Almost any skin tone or skin type can benefit from an Aqua Facial. Take advantage of the intense moisturization and nourishment of this facial at Vibrant Dermatology in Needham. 

In the Clear

If you struggle with acne and frequent breakouts, try our In The Clear facial to cleanse your pores and clear your complexion. We use a three-step detoxifying process that gets rid of bacteria that causes acne. When we detoxify your pores, they become less congested. This results in fewer breakouts and clearer skin. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels contain skin-safe acids that increase cell turnover and shed your skin of impurities. When you get a chemical peel, the top layer of your skin is removed to expose fresh skin cells underneath. You will notice an improved skin tone, reduced hyperpigmentation, and clear pores. 

We offer various types of chemical peels for all skin types. If you have sensitive skin, we use gentle acids for your chemical peel. Patients who struggle with visible signs of aging can benefit from retinol-based chemical peels. Each chemical peel is fully customizable to your skin’s unique needs. 

Chemical peels are considered intense exfoliants that renew your skin’s top layer. If you want to get a more even skin tone and address problem areas on your skin, a chemical peel could be just what you need. 

Red, Red Go Away

If you struggle with sensitivity and redness, the Red, Red Go Away soothing facial is ideal for your skin. We use anti-inflammatory ingredients that calm your skin and reduce irritation. Sensitive skin can react to many different products, so sometimes, you need total skin rejuvenation. 

Come to Vibrant Dermatology for our premium sensitive skin facials in Needham. 

Laser Facials

Depending on your skin concerns, you may benefit from laser facial treatments. Laser facials can reduce dark spots, hyperpigmentation, acne, and scars. These treatments use the latest in light technology to heal and correct your skin. If you struggle with age spots, sun damage, acne, or hyperpigmentation, consider laser facials in Needham. 

NeoClear Laser

The NeoClear laser facial heats up your pores to kill acne-causing bacteria. This addresses the root of your congested pores instead of simply treating the surface of your acne. 

NeoClear laser facials also stimulate your body’s collagen production to firm and rejuvenate your skin. After your NeoClear laser treatments, you will notice clearer, more radiant skin. 

Illumination Laser

If you have melasma, sunspots, or visible signs of aging, the Illumination Laser facial can help. This laser facial uses heat energy to remove pigmentation marks on your skin for a more even, clearer skin tone. If you want a fresh complexion without the sunspots and age marks of the past, opt for the Illumination Laser facial. 

Luxury Skin Facials in Needham, MA

Come to Vibrant Dermatology in Needham, MA, for all of your skin’s needs. Our skin specialists can refresh and rejuvenate your complexion using natural and therapeutic skin ingredients. Each facial is customized to meet your aesthetic and medical needs. 

Facials are very effective for hydration, anti-aging, and clear skin. The process is relaxing and gives you an opportunity to get away from your life stressors. If this sounds appealing to you, don’t wait. Schedule your luxurious, relaxing facials at Vibrant Dermatology today!