
Combat Hair Loss with PRP Injections

Hair loss and balding are serious concerns for a lot of people. Many different factors can lead to hair loss, but the result is the same: thinning, balding hair. 

Some people look great bald, but you might not be one of them. If you want to fight against hair loss, thinning hair, and balding, PRP injections can help. 

Reasons for Hair Loss and Balding

Many different conditions can cause hair loss. Your general health, age, hormones, and underlying medical conditions can cause your hair to thin, bald, and fall out. Sometimes poor scalp health and damaged hair follicles also prevent healthy hair growth. 

Some potential causes for hair loss include:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Aging
  • Menopause
  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Alopecia
  • Pregnancy and postpartum health conditions
  • Scalp infections
  • Damaged hair follicles
  • Poor hair care
  • Harmful hairstyles
  • Medications
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • Poor general health

These are just a few of the reasons you might be experiencing hair loss and balding. For many patients, genetic baldness is a serious concern. If other members of your immediate family suffer from severe hair loss, you may have a genetic balding condition. 

Luckily, PRP injections could help you restore hair growth and prevent further hair loss. 

All About PRP

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. This substance, which is made from your own blood, contains many healing and growth factors. 

Platelets are responsible for wound healing and injury recovery. They draw stem cells to injured areas for quicker healing and rejuvenation. When you inject PRP into your scalp, it improves the health of your hair follicles and aids hair growth. 

Here’s what you need to know about PRP injections for hair loss. 

Collecting PRP

When you come in for PRP hair loss treatments, we collect platelet-rich plasma from your body. We do a blood draw and place vials of your blood in a centrifuge machine. This machine spins the blood vials at high speeds to separate the plasma from the red blood cells. 

At the end of this process, we discard the red blood cells and use the platelet-rich plasma for your injections. 

PRP Injections for Hair Loss

We look over your scalp to determine which areas are suffering from hair loss and balding. Once we determine the best treatment areas, we start the injection process. We can apply a topical numbing cream to improve your comfort throughout your hair loss treatments. 

After we inject PRP into thinning and balding areas on your scalp, your body begins to heal these areas. PRP recruits beneficial cells to these areas to stimulate hair growth. With your own blood, you can start to regrow your long, healthy locks. 

The Benefits of PRP

You might be wondering why PRP injections are a superior form of hair loss treatment. These injections have a multitude of benefits for your scalp and hair health. Keep reading to learn more reasons you should choose PRP for your hair loss treatments. 

We use your blood to complete these treatments. This means that there are no artificial chemicals or toxins involved. Your body has already produced the healing compounds in your blood plasma. We simply harness them to take advantage of hair growth and scalp healing. 

The appointments are convenient and don’t require any downtime afterward. There is no intense recovery period after your PRP injection appointments. We recommend taking it easy on your hair and scalp in the first few days after your injections. Your scalp needs all of the resources it can get to trigger healthy hair growth and healing. 

These hair loss treatments are non-invasive and non-surgical. They require far less aftercare and healing than surgery and other hair loss treatments. If you want a simple, convenient hair loss solution, PRP injections are for you. 

Hair Loss Treatment Results

You will need a set of three PRP injection sessions to combat hair loss and thinning. Each appointment should be four to six weeks after the last one. After these three hair loss treatments, you can expect to see more healthy hair growth. 

Some patients come in for maintenance injections after six months. This is to ensure your scalp gets healthy blood flow and continues to grow your hair. Most patients experience significant hair growth within the first year of their hair loss treatments. 

You can look forward to your hair growing back thicker, healthier, and longer after the PRP has taken effect. It may take a year or two to notice full-length hair growth, but the results are worth it. Many men and women have improved their appearance and hair health using PRP injections for hair loss.

Candidates for PRP Hair Loss Treatments

Most patients who experience hair loss and balding are good candidates for this treatment. However, we may not recommend PRP injections if you have certain underlying medical conditions. Patients who have platelet problems, who use alcohol or drugs heavily, or who take blood thinner medications should avoid this treatment. 

You must address the underlying causes of your hair loss for the results to be permanent. During your consultation, we will determine whether this treatment will be effective for you. If a medical condition has caused your hair loss, it should be addressed before hair loss treatment. 

PRP for Hair Loss in Needham, MA

If you are near the Needham, MA, area, come to Vibrant Dermatology for PRP injections for hair loss. We are passionate about helping you achieve optimal hair growth and scalp health. 

You don’t have to settle for bald spots and thinning hair forever. Using your blood and platelets’ healing powers, we can rejuvenate your scalp and replenish healthy, thick hair. Book your appointment for a consultation with our hair loss experts today!