
Women’s Hair Loss: Understanding Your Treatment Options

All adult women shed some hair daily. However, the rate of your hair shedding can exceed your body’s ability to produce new hair. When this occurs, you are undergoing women’s hair loss.

Each woman’s experience with hair loss is different. Some women will notice that their natural part begins to widen. Others may lose clumps of hair when showering or bathing. Losing clumps of hair can lead to bald spots that are difficult to conceal.

While preventing women’s hair loss is quite challenging, there are viable treatment options out there to stimulate new hair growth. Contrary to popular belief, these treatments do not always involve invasive procedures. 

Many patients have undergone non-invasive dermatological treatments and experienced notable improvements in hair thickness and fullness.

Below, the team at Vibrant Dermatology of Dedham, MA, outlines what you can do about women’s hair loss. Our hair loss treatment strategies have helped countless patients throughout the region.  

What Causes Women’s Hair Loss?

The normal rate of hair loss is approximately 50 to 100 strands per day. Since new hair is growing each day, this hair loss is rarely noticeable. Women’s hair loss occurs when you are not growing new hair fast enough to replace the strands that you are losing.

Women’s hair loss can be attributed to many different factors, including the following:

Family History

Some patients are simply predisposed to hair loss due to genetic factors. If you begin experiencing hair loss at about the same age as some of your relatives, your family history may be to blame. Genetic hair loss in female patients usually begins at the top of the scalp.

Medication Regimen

Certain medications and supplements can cause or accelerate hair loss. Medications used for high blood pressure, certain mental health disorders, and cancer carry the highest risk of causing hair loss.

Hair Care Habits

Some hair styling treatments can wreak havoc on your hair follicles. Perms, bleaching, hot-oil treatments, and certain hairstyles can contribute to hair loss. When receiving hair loss treatment, your provider may suggest that you alter your hair care habits so that you reduce the amount of stress that you are placing on your scalp.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes caused by menopause, pregnancy, or breastfeeding are another common cause of women’s hair loss. If a hormone imbalance is contributing to your condition, oral and topical medications for hair loss may offer relief. Some of these medications supplement your natural hormone levels to eliminate any imbalances.  

Are Invasive Treatments My Only Recourse?

No, invasive hair loss treatments are not your only option. Oral and topical medications for hair loss can be an effective intervention for many patients. 

In order to determine whether these interventions are right for you, the care team at Vibrant Dermatology will need to first identify the potential causes of your condition. This approach allows us to address the root cause of your hair loss.

Non-Invasive Hair Loss Treatments

The team at Vibrant Dermatology in Dedham, MA, offers several non-invasive hair loss treatments. You may receive a single type of treatment or a combination of interventions. Our care team provides every patient with a custom treatment plan based on their age, medical history, and needs.

One of the treatments we offer is known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. This treatment uses platelets from your own blood in order to stimulate new hair growth.

Another intervention involves laser light treatments. During a laser therapy session, we will expose your scalp to laser energy in order to encourage hair growth. Multiple laser therapy sessions are typically required for the best results.

In addition to these interventions, we also offer oral and topical medications for hair loss. Topical medications are applied to your scalp daily. Oral medications can help address hormonal concerns and slow the rate of hair loss.

What to Expect During Treatment

During your initial visit, one of our care providers will review your medical history and take the time to learn more about your condition. From there, we will recommend one or more hair loss treatments.

Some interventions, such as oral and topical medications for hair loss, are self-administered in the comfort of your own home. Others, such as PRP therapy or laser light treatments, are provided in our state-of-the-art clinic in Dedham, MA.

Our providers will thoroughly review each treatment option with you so that you can choose the best course of action for your lifestyle and time constraints.

How Long Does It Take to Experience Results?

Every case of women’s hair loss is unique. As such, the results that you experience may differ from those of other patients. However, many patients begin to notice improvements within a few weeks after starting their hair loss treatment journey.

The exact time frame it takes for hair loss treatments to work will depend on which treatments you undergo, what factors are causing your hair loss, and your individual health history. Regardless of which treatments you receive, it is vital that you adhere to all clinician recommendations in order to achieve optimal results.

I’m Ready to Start Hair Loss Treatment. What Next?

If you are ready to begin hair loss treatment or would like to learn more about your options, Vibrant Dermatology in Dedham, MA, can help. Our experienced care team offers oral and topical medications for hair loss. Additionally, we provide several other interventions for women’s hair loss, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.

To get started, schedule your consultation online or contact our team. We proudly serve residents of Dedham, MA, and patients from neighboring communities.