What Should You Avoid Before Juvederm?

When you look in the mirror, can you see lines starting to appear on your face? Has your skin has started to show a few of the telltale signs of aging, such as crow’s feet? Are you sick and tired of noticing all the wrinkles, folds, or worry lines? Fortunately, you don’t have to let this become the “new normal.” You can eliminate wrinkles with a long-lasting and effective dermal filler called Juvederm, now available from the friendly medical staff at Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD, in Dedham, MA.

What Is Juvederm?

This is a specific type of dermal filler that is injected into the skin in order to restore volume, vitality, and youthfulness to your skin. Unlike some other dermal fillers, it uses a component called hyaluronic acid, which is a substance that your skin already contains.

What Is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a chemical that everyone has in their bodies. When this hyaluronic acid is present in your skin, it acts as a hydrating agent. It binds to water, adding volume and keeping your skin from drying out. Unfortunately, as we age our natural levels of hyaluronic acid decline, causing our skin to lose volume. When this happens, the surface starts to show wrinkles, lines, and folds.

We all age differently, but in some cases, the lines on our faces can become especially noticeable with time as the amount of hyaluronic acid in our skin decreases. In these cases, a dermal filler that is based on hyaluronic acid is the perfect remedy.

How Does It Work?

Your medical provider will inject tiny doses of the filler into the desired treatment area. There are several specific types of Juvederm, each tailored to a different location on your face. When you go to a clinic for a treatment session, you will walk away with small amounts of the filler dotted evenly across this treatment zone, whether it is your cheeks, lips, mouth, or some other area.

When the hyaluronic acid is introduced into your skin, it will start to bind with the water and retain moisture. Generally, you will see some results right away, but it will take one or two weeks for the filler to settle into place. After this adjustment period is over, you will see your ideal results, and these will typically last anywhere from one to two years.

What Type Do I Need?

The type of filler you need will depend on what you want to be treated. Although hyaluronic acid is used in all of these cases, the lips, cheeks, and facial lines all will require a slightly different composition. Our medical staff will talk with you in-depth about which exact type is ideal for your treatment area, also you can go with fast wrinkle remover for wrinkle removal.

Volbella XC

If you’re sick of seeing your lips slowly losing their natural fullness, Volbella XC is the filler for you. Volbella XC has been specially crafted to restore the plumpness of your lips and erase those pesky lip lines. It can work both on the lips themselves and on the areas nearby. The filler lasts for a year and will keep your lips hydrated, voluminous, and plump.

Vollure XC

Are you starting to see facial wrinkles and folds in places where they weren’t present before? Vollure XC is a standard response to those hard-to-erase lines and wrinkles. Unlike many competing fillers or injections, Vollure XC is long-lasting, smoothing the skin and giving you glowing results for up to 18 months.

Voluma XC

Are you tired of seeing your cheeks sagging or losing their volume and becoming flat? Voluma XC is designed specifically for the cheeks to restore your youthful look. Patients report that Voluma XC can make their cheeks look up to five years younger. Because your cheeks have thicker skin than other parts of the face, Voluma XC is injected deep under the surface, giving you maximum volume. This deep injection can provide quality lift and contouring in your cheeks for two years.

Ultra XC

Like Volbella XC, Ultra XC was designed for the mouth and lip area. Ultra XC is slightly thicker, however, and is a gel designed for lip augmentation so you get even more volume for thinning lips. It also works on the lower part of the face, including nasolabial folds and lines around the mouth, and lasts for up to a year.

Ultra Plus XC

Do you have significant folds on your face that may be too much for just a normal cosmetic injection? In that case, you want Ultra Plus XC. Ultra Plus XC is a stronger, denser version of the filler and is best used in cases where another type isn’t quite enough. Ultra Plus XC can be used for “smile lines” (nasolabial folds), deep wrinkles, creases, folds, and areas that need significant added volume.

Which type is right for you? Your dermatologist will help you decide exactly what you need, but with this many options, chances are that there’s at least one that’s perfect for your concerns.

What Should I Avoid Before Treatment?

Once you have met with your provider and chosen a treatment option, you will want to do a little preparation for your session. Juvederm is an incredibly quick and easy treatment, especially compared with other more extreme options on the market. However, there are a few things you should avoid to make your session more comfortable and effective.


The week before treatment is an important time, and you want to make sure your body is in the best shape for the injection. As a result, we advise that you do not use any aspirin-based painkiller (such as Bayer). In addition, it’s helpful to avoid Motrin or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (or “NSAIDS” for short).

The reason for this is that these painkillers can affect the bloodstream in a way that can potentially lead to bruising from the treatment. In order to avoid this, it’s better to choose a different painkiller for at least five days before your treatment session.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is widely taken for its beneficial impact on the immune system as well as potential for lowering the risk of cancer and heart disease. However, it can have a similar effect on treatment as aspirin and NSAIDS, so it is not advised for 7-10 days prior to treatment.

Fish Oil

Many people take fish oil supplements in order to improve their overall heart health and encourage weight loss. It is also believed to lead to healthier skin, but these effects may be temporarily problematic for dermal filler treatments. If you currently take fish oil supplements, discontinue their use for 7-10 days before treatment and resume after it is safe to do so.

Gingko Biloba

For many people, Gingko Biloba is a miracle drug, improving circulation, reducing anxiety and depression, and encouraging heightened brain function. However, this improved circulation can lead to changes in the bloodstream that are not beneficial during treatment, so Gingko Biloba should not be used for 7-10 days prior to your session.

St. John’s Wort

In many cases, people turn to St. John’s wort to help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is believed to have a generally positive effect on one’s mood and also help people who have experienced appetite loss or fatigue. However, it can interfere with treatment, so it should be avoided for 7-10 days before a session.


Like Gingko Biloba, Ginseng has a reputation for improving brain function, heightening energy levels, and increasing circulation. The changes to the circulation mean that it should be avoided for 7-10 days prior to treatment.


Garlic is in many foods and sometimes difficult to avoid completely. It also contains compounds that may reduce blood pressure. However, these effects can disrupt treatment, so wherever possible, it should be avoided for 7-10 days before your session.

Primrose Oil

Primrose oil is often taken by patients who suffer from certain skin conditions, as it is frequently credited with alleviating acne, eczema, and generally improving skin health. However, in this case, its use should be discontinued for 7-10 days prior to your treatment session.

Certain Topical Products

There are several topical products on the market that can cause complications or discomfort. Avoid glycolic acid, tretinoin, and retinol for two days before your session.

Anti-Aging Products

There are many anti-aging products on the market, but these can sometimes cause a change in the skin’s natural consistency which can lead to bruising or unpredictable results. Avoid such products for two days before your session.

Other Skin Treatments

Anything that affects the skin may cause some interference with treatment, as it may irritate the skin. For this reason, hair removal cream, as well as bleaching, waxing, or plucking, should be avoided for two days leading up to treatment. Shaving is generally fine.


Fortunately, alcohol does not stay in our systems for very long, so it is only necessary to avoid it on the day prior to treatment. However, it is very important that there be no alcohol in your system when the injections are performed, so it should not be used at all during the 24 hours ahead of the session.

During your initial consultation, your medical staff will cover all the requirements in detail.

Other FAQs

Is This Treatment FDA-Approved?

The FDA approved it in 2006, finding that it was safe and had no serious side effects.

What Happens During Treatment?

During a treatment session, you will arrive at our facility and small amounts of the dermal filler will be injected into your treatment area. The session is very quick, typically requiring 30-90 minutes, depending on the amount of filler being used and the areas being treated.

How Long Is Recovery?

Juvederm does not require downtime, so many patients can resume their normal activities the very same day. You will not have to take days off work or “call in sick” while you wait to feel better.

How Long Before I See Results?

Typically, results are visible the same day, but it takes the filler a bit of time to become absorbed by the body. After two weeks, the ideal results will be achieved.

How Long Do Results Last?

Depending on the type of filler used, you can see results that will last up to two years. After this, many patients schedule maintenance treatments to keep their results at a peak level, and in many cases, they find that less of the filler is needed for these “follow-up” sessions.

What Should I Avoid After Treatment?

After treatment, a patient should not drink alcohol for 24 hours. In addition, sources of high heat should be avoided. Massages must be avoided for a full two weeks until your treatment settles in place, as massage can disrupt the distribution of your treatment.

Schedule Your Consultation

Are you ready to say good-bye to your lines and wrinkles and reclaim your smooth and youthful glow? Learn more about the amazing effects of Juvederm. Call us today at Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD, in Dedham, MA and schedule your in-person consultation!

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