
What Do I Need to Know Before Getting Botox?

Botox may be just the choice for you if you want to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is the single most popular cosmetic treatment across the United States thanks to its speed, ease, and efficacy. At Vibrant Dermatology in Dedham, MA, we think you should see the benefits of this therapy for yourself and we are proud to offer Botox to anyone in the Boston, Dedham, Westood, Norwood, Canton, Sharon, Milton, Walpole, Foxboro, and Needham areas.


What Is Botox?

The answer is easy: an injectable therapy that relaxes muscles in a specific treatment area. By blocking messages transmitted from nerves to the brain, it essentially renders treated muscles immobile. Fine lines can no longer appear, but you’re still able to move your face in a completely natural and appropriate way.

Commonly treated areas include:

  • Horizontal lines in the forehead
  • Lines between the eyebrows (“11” lines)
  • Lines around the eyes (crow’s feet)
  • Lines near the mouth (smile or frown lines)
  • Dimpling in the chin


What You Should Know

You can begin this treatment at any time in your life, meaning you don’t need to be a certain age to enjoy its benefits. People as early as their 20s use it to prevent wrinkles. Because this treatment prohibits muscle contractions, new lines cannot form. Similarly, patients in their 40s or 50s can use it to reduce lines that have already formed. Essentially, all can see results.

Lunchtime Therapy

Many people herald this as a lunchtime therapy, which it really is. We say this because, depending on the number of areas to be treated, an appointment usually takes under 30 minutes. Some require just 10 minutes. Anyone with a hectic schedule can likely find the time to treat themselves.

You Should Exercise Before

We inject this therapy as a liquid. For this reason, we advise patients to refrain from exercise for about 24 hours after their appointment. There is a very slight chance the serum will move once injected, although that’s unlikely. The heavy concentration alone helps to keep it in place. But in an effort to provide the best care possible, we like to be a little cautious.

The Neurotoxin Label

You may have heard this therapy is considered a neurotoxin, but that’s actually beneficial. This label describes the way in which the treatment works – to stop routine nerve activity. Only those nerves – and muscles – in the direct treatment area are affected, so you can be assured of precise and targeted delivery.

Results Show In a Few Days

If you don’t notice an immediate improvement in your fine lines, don’t worry. This is completely normal. The treatment takes three to five days to begin working, at which time you will notice natural-looking, subtle, and youthful refinements.

Is This for You?

Generally speaking, patients over 18 years old who want to reduce the effects of aging are candidates for this therapy. You’ll enjoy lasting results – around six months – and can continue treatment for as long as you want. This therapy also pairs well with other cosmetic treatments, including glow masks and injectable fillers. By developing a comprehensive plan, we can completely rejuvenate your appearance. Give us a call today to book your consultation!