
The Science Behind RF Microneedling and Its Role in Skin Rejuvenation

Seeing fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging as you get older might feel inevitable. You may think that you will have to resign yourself to those new creases and folds unless you turn to invasive procedures. At Vibrant Dermatology, however, we offer RF microneedling services to help you give your skin a rejuvenating boost. But what is RF microneedling?

What Is RF Microneedling? The Latest in Microneedling Technology

RF microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that combines standard microneedling services with radiofrequency waves that help boost results. Let’s take a closer look at what microneedling is.

Microneedling is a procedure that utilizes small needles to create tiny puncture wounds in the treatment area. By creating these wounds, microneedling services allow your body’s healing powers to do their job, boosting collagen and elastin and creating new capillaries to bring oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the area. 

When you get RF microneedling treatment, those tiny needles can cause added damage by releasing RF energy into the punctures, increasing your body’s healing and improving the results. RF microneedling treatment can be effective for the treatment of:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Stretch marks
  • Large pores
  • Acne scars
  • Scars from injuries
  • Sagging skin
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Hyperhidrosis

At our clinic, we rely on the PiXel8-RF system to provide RF microneedling for skin rejuvenation. The PiXel8-RF system uses bi-polar energy to send heat deep within your skin’s layers, giving your body a chance to heal the damage regular microneedling might not be able to handle. 

The best candidates for RF microneedling for skin rejuvenation are people between the ages of 20 and 60 who have begun to see signs of aging or have blemishes and other skin imperfections they want to fix. To be a good candidate, you must also be in good overall health and have no blood clotting issues. 

If you are immunocompromised, have an active skin infection, or are pregnant, you may not be the right candidate. You may also not be eligible if you have a history of poor wound healing.

RF Microneedling Benefits: Letting Your Body Take the Lead

One of the most important RF microneedling benefits is that it doesn’t rely on chemicals or invasive procedures. You are harnessing your body’s powers of healing to get the results you want, boosting what it does naturally. 

The PiXel8-RF device we use is also suitable for all skin types. People sometimes worry about hyperpigmentation risks when dealing with RF energy, especially people with darker skin, but that is not a concern when you choose this option. 

RF microneedling is wholly customizable. We can adjust the RF energy levels and the depths of the needles to ensure we target the imperfections you want to treat in the most effective manner. With RF microneedling, you don’t have to worry about a long recovery time. Because the procedure is minimally invasive, you can get back to your daily life almost immediately. 

Preparing for RF Microneedling: Dos and Don’ts of the Process

If you think RF microneedling can be a good choice for the skin issues you want to address, schedule a consultation with our team. At this consultation, we will review your medical history to ensure you can benefit from everything microneedling can offer. 

Let us know if you have previously tried similar procedures and what kind of outcome you had. We would also love to hear the results you would like to get. You should also let us know about any medications you take. Tell us if you have recently or are currently taking Accutane since that can prevent us from offering treatment for a few months. 

If we think you are a good candidate, we will offer some dos and don’ts to help you prepare for the procedure:

  • Do avoid alcohol and anti-inflammatory medications in the days leading up to the procedure.
  • Don’t use products that contain salicylic acid, especially facial cleansers.
  • Do shave the day before the procedure and not right before treatment.
  • Don’t go out in the sun without protection.

What to Expect From the Procedure and Recovery

On the day of your treatment, we will clean your face and numb the treatment area with a topical anesthetic and allow it to take full effect. For some people, this step takes about an hour. 

We can then begin the treatment process, which can take as little as 10 minutes or as long as an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. We can then apply a growth solution that helps with cell regeneration, as well as a soothing solution.

You are free to get back to your day right after the procedure. As you recover, you can apply ice packs to the treatment area. Remember that the sun is not your friend when your skin is sensitive after RF microneedling, so wear SPF if you go outside, even if it’s cloudy. For the next day or so, avoid makeup and only use a gentle facial cleanser. 

So what about microneedling results? Typically, people start seeing the best microneedling results three to six months after treatment. This is because it takes your collagen and elastin time to build up. For most people, two to three sessions offer the longest-lasting and best results. 

Managing Skin Imperfections With RF Microneedling

You don’t have to just accept skin imperfections like hyperpigmentation, fine lines, or sagging. By turning to RF microneedling, you can get quality results without worrying about invasive procedures. Contact us at Vibrant Dermatology in Dedham, MA, to learn more about what RF microneedling can offer.