
The Best Acne Treatments Recommended by Dermatologists

Acne can be frustrating to deal with. Even when you think you have done everything right for your skin, you can still get painful breakouts. 

It is important to see a dermatologist to clear your complexion and heal your skin. At Vibrant Dermatology we can give you the best recommendations for effective acne-fighting treatments. Here’s what you need to know about acne treatments. 

Causes of Acne Breakouts

If you struggle with acne, you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from painful breakouts and acne scars across the globe. Many complex factors contribute to your skin’s appearance. Below is more information about the common reasons some people get frequent acne breakouts. 

Oily Skin

Your skin might be naturally oily, causing your pores to clog easily. Clogged pores lead to bacteria buildup and inflammation, which triggers acne breakouts. Even if you wash your skin twice a day, you can still struggle with troublesome acne. Oily skin is one of the leading causes of frequent breakouts. 

Hormone Changes

Your hormones play a large role in the formation of acne. If you are going through puberty, menopause, or hormonal treatments, you might notice you are having more breakouts. Your skin responds to hormone changes, and the root cause of your acne may be hormonal. Acne is very normal during your preteen and teenage years. 

Poor Diet

Certain foods increase inflammation and your skin’s oil production. This can lead to blackheads and painful acne. If you do not follow a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, this could be the culprit for your acne. Drinking plenty of water each day is also important for maintaining clear skin. 


When you are stressed, your body signals to your skin that something is wrong. This causes inflammation and buildup in your pores. During periods of high stress, you may notice more persistent acne breakouts. It is not always possible to relieve stress, which can worsen your acne problem. 


Some people just inherit the genes for frequent acne breakouts. Genetic acne breakouts cannot be controlled without treatment from a dermatologist. If your family members struggle with acne, there is a good chance your breakouts are genetic. But help is on the way with high-quality acne treatments in Hyde Park, MA.

Acne Treatments

If you struggle with constant breakouts, our acne treatments could help you. These acne treatments have worked for thousands of patients over time and are effective at treating the root cause of acne. Whether you struggle with whiteheads, hormonal acne, or other blemishes, we have treatment options for you. 


Acne extractions are simple treatments that unclog your pores. Oil, bacteria, dirt, and other debris can easily plug your pores and cause acne. Extractions involve squeezing these harmful substances out of each pore to clear your skin. 

Once your pores are clear, your skin can breathe again. Your skin care products will absorb more easily and be much more effective at fighting against acne. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are facials that involve removing the top layer of your skin. Renewing your skin’s first layer can unclog your pores and get rid of harmful debris in your skin. Our skin-safe acid mixtures also exfoliate dead skin cells to rejuvenate your complexion. You are left with a layer of glowing, radiant skin underneath. 

Prescription Acne Creams

Prescription-strength topical treatments can work wonders for some patients’ acne breakouts. These creams and gels contain active acids that kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. As a result, your complexion remains healthier, clearer, and smoother. 

Over-the-counter products have weaker ingredients and may not be as effective as prescription creams. 

Dermatologist Treatments for Acne Scars

Are you struggling with deep acne scars and discoloration from past breakouts? Dermatologist treatments for acne scars can rejuvenate your complexion. These acne scar treatments dissolve scar tissue to give you clearer skin. You don’t have to see reminders of past acne breakouts every day in the mirror. 

NeoClear Laser Treatments

We use a laser system to target active acne and old scars. NeoClear laser treatment works on all skin textures and skin tones, making it a universal solution to acne scarring. 

This impressive dual-action laser treatment can reduce active breakouts while also treating old acne scars. Dermatologist treatments for acne scars with NeoClear make it easy and quick to get a clear complexion. 

NeoClear laser treatment sessions last between 10 and 30 minutes. This makes it a convenient addition to your schedule. We can apply the laser to your back, neck, face, or torso area to target unwanted blemishes and scars. 

We recommend coming in every few weeks for follow-up laser treatments until the problem goes away. Spacing out appointments gives your skin time to recover and rejuvenate between laser treatments. Past breakouts don’t have to linger on your skin with these acne scar treatments. 

Get Rid of Your Acne Problems at Vibrant Dermatology

Our goal is to help you achieve the best complexion possible with our customized acne treatment plans. You can combine multiple acne treatments or choose the one that best matches your skin’s unique needs. With our innovative laser treatments and topical breakout solutions, your skin can look gorgeous in no time! 

We have options for both acne scar treatments and active breakouts. If you want to explore our treatment menu further, view our services on our website or visit our office. To book an appointment for skin rejuvenation and acne treatments, call our office or request an appointment online. Come to Vibrant Dermatology in Hyde Park, MA, we can’t wait to help you get the skin of your dreams!