
The Benefits of Chemical Peels in West Roxbury, MA

As people age, the firmness and elasticity of the skin decrease, reducing its ability to remain wrinkle-free and supple. Over time, the skin develops discoloration and wrinkles and can lose its luster. However, these unwanted effects can be diminished or even reversed with treatments that include chemical peels. 

Chemical peels gently exfoliate the top layers of the skin while wrinkles are softened, and skin tone is evened out. They are even more powerful when combined with other skin rejuvenation treatments that we offer at Vibrant Dermatology, such as laser treatment, Botox injections, or dermal fillers.

What Exactly Are Chemical Peels?

Different variations of peels are available, and each type is tailored to a specific type of skin or designed to target specific skin issues. Other names for these treatments are derma peels and chemexfoliation. 

A chemical solution is applied to the skin that, over a few days, causes the outer layer of skin to “peel” away and reveal the healthy, youthful, glowing layer of skin underneath it.

Types of Chemical Peels in West Roxbury, MA

We offer three distinct, powerfully gentle, and effective types of chemical peels for you to consider:

  • The VI Peel
  • A Modified Jessner’s Peel
  • Salicylic acid/glycolic acid peels

Each one uses different ingredients to produce distinct micro-results, while the main result is the same for them all – healthier, more vibrant skin. We believe that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all skin care solution.

The VI Peel

This peel is currently the “go-to” type of chemical peel out in Hollywood. It uses a unique blend of peeling agents that transform skin complexions within one week. 

The VI Peel is an outstanding treatment for everything from acne and sun-damaged skin to wrinkles and fine lines. It’s also an excellent means of clearing hyperpigmentation and evening out skin tone as well.

The Modified Jessner’s Peel

Our patients love this chemical peel because it’s slightly stronger than our standard salicylic acid/glycolic acid peels. This peel gives dramatic results after just one treatment. 

It’s very effective at improving the texture of skin when there is acne scarring and/or sun damage present. It’s also a popular choice for softening fine lines, lifting discoloration, and soothing acne-prone skin.

The Salicylic Acid/Glycolic Acid Peel

This chemical peel is a mild treatment that effectively improves acne, balances areas of hyperpigmentation (like sunspots or brown spots), reverses sun damage, and smooths fine lines.

What to Expect: How Long Do Chemical Peels Take?

These popular facial treatments typically only take 20 minutes from start to finish. We begin by making sure you are comfortable and thoroughly cleansing your skin. Then, we will apply the appropriate peeling agent to target your skin health goals.

Depending on which peeling agent we use, it’s either washed off the skin or left on it. Within one to three days after your treatment, the peeling process begins and is complete in about five to seven days.

How much are chemical peels going to change your skin after one treatment? You’ll notice a beautiful change in your skin, for sure! Most of our patients enjoy these treatments and the results so much that they make them a regular part of their skin care regimens. 

We recommend that you complete a series of three to six treatments to achieve optimal results. The exact number depends on your goals for treatment, other treatments used, the condition of your skin, and the type of peel that is used.

Taking Care of Your Skin After Your Chemical Peel

During the peeling process, you will need to be diligent about taking care of your skin. This is especially true during the first week that follows chemical peels in West Roxbury, MA. 

You must use sunscreen and moisturizer during the five to seven days after your peel treatment. Make sure to avoid waxing and microdermabrasion for three days prior to your treatment and for one week following it. 

You should also avoid using scrubs and skin products that contain glycolic acid, retinoids, and salicylic acid for the same duration of time. These are all products and treatments that could damage your skin during this sensitive stage after your chemical peel treatment.

Are You a Good Candidate to Get a Chemical Peel?

There are many skin treatments recommended for only one type of skin and various treatments that are designed for certain tones only. However, one of the best attributes of chemical peels in West Roxbury, MA, is that they are great for everyone!

They do tend to produce more profound effects for those with lighter hair and skin, but chemical peels can benefit people with all complexions, hues, textures, and skin tones. If you have a darker complexion, don’t worry! We’ll discuss a variety of options with you regarding treatment options.

Ideal candidates for these skin rejuvenation treatments will have moderate wrinkles or fine lines. If you have severe creases, deep lines, or dynamic wrinkles, you may require a different or additional type of treatment. 

Schedule a Consultation Today

The best way to get started is by booking a consultation to see if a chemical peel will be the best treatment for your needs. While many of our patients come in once per month for routine treatment, if you have acne, you may find that an appointment every two weeks is ideal until you achieve your desired results.

No matter what your skin details are, book a consultation with Vibrant Dermatology, and we’ll design the ideal treatment plan for you.