
Restylane is a popular hyaluronic acid that comes as an injectable gel. This type of acid is naturally occurring in the skin and it’s responsible for giving you volume and hydration.

However, as we age, our natural abilities to produce new collagen diminishes in addition to the amount of hyaluronic acid we have in our skin. This process results in volume loss, as well as wrinkles and folds on our skin. To combat this problem, Restylane delivers hyaluronic acid to your skin to add back volume and help smooth wrinkles and folds on your skin.

Restylane Treatment Areas

Much like Juvederm, Restylane is actually a family of hyaluronic acid fillers that address several skin concerns.

Restylane Lyft is used to treat significant volume loss in the cheeks and hands while Restylane Refyne can be used to treat smile lines (also known as nasolabial folds) and marionette lines (peri-oral lines). The last Restylane product in this family, Restylane Defyne, is a great product for lip augmentation. Restylane can also be used to treat tear troughs (under eye circles).

Who Should Get a Restylane Treatment?

Restylane is a great treatment option for men and women of all ages. People who are concerned about volume loss in their face and hands, or who want to enhance their lips, can all benefit from Restylane treatments.

This product is also becoming increasingly popular with younger populations, like millennials, who want to be proactive about anti-aging.

To best reach your cosmetic goals. Dr. Ip offers a wide range of injectable fillers and will develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. To make things even better, Dr. Ip is trained in cannula delivery of dermal fillers. If you have a fear of needles, a cannula delivery allows for reduced pain and bruising

What to Expect from Restylane

Restylane is an easy procedure that only takes around 15 to 40 minutes, depending on how large the treatment area is. Prior to beginning, Dr. Ip will discuss your concerns, cosmetic goals, and how the procedure works with you.

To give you the beautiful results you seek, Dr. Ip will carefully place the Restylane injections to perfectly fill the targeted areas. Without an expert handling these injections, patients can be in danger of receiving distressing results – making it all the more important to work with a board-certified dermatologist.

In order to make sure that you stay comfortable throughout this procedure, Dr. Ip will apply a topical anesthetic to keep you from feeling any pain.

This procedure is a longtime favorite of many men and women because of its fantastic outcomes and long-lasting results. Restylane can last anywhere from six months to a year, allowing you to enjoy your beautiful appearance for months at a time.

All About Recovery Times and Results

Some patients can experience a small amount of swelling or bruising following Restylane injections, but this usually dissipates within 24 hours. Depending on the location treated, bruising can occur for up to 10 days. Though Dr. Ip will detail your care instructions following the procedure, we recommend applying ice intermittently after the treatment to reduce swelling.

Restylane is an excellent choice for men and women with busy schedules because you don’t need to take time off to recover from this procedure. Patients may resume normal activities after receiving treatment and may apply makeup to conceal any bruising or redness.

The results from Restylane can be stunning. People who want to improve the fullness of their face and lips often love the natural and youthful results that Restylane creates wherever it is administered.

Why Dr. Ip Recommends Restylane

Restylane is another powerful anti-aging treatment that we offer to people who want to rejuvenate their faces and bodies without going under the knife. Due to the excellent results that Restylane can give patients, the fact that it is a quick and comfortable procedure, and because it can last for over six months, Dr. Ip regularly recommends Restylane to her patients.

Contact Us

Leave your skincare to the experts. To learn more about how Restylane can enhance your appearance, make sure you work with a board-certified dermatologist. If you would like to experience premier dermatological care to achieve beautiful and healthy skin, please schedule your appointment with Dr. Ip today.

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