
Over time, aging skin will naturally lose the supportive structures that keep our skin supple and youthful. As the years go by, collagen and elastin diminish within the skin, and this can result in distressing wrinkles and creases that many men and women would prefer to avoid.

Radiesse is a unique type of filler that consists of tiny microspheres of a synthetic material called calcium hydroxyapatite. It is FDA approved for correcting moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles, and it most recently approved for hand rejuvenation, too!

Over time, aging skin will naturally lose the supportive structures that keep our skin supple and youthful. As the years go by, collagen and elastin diminish within the skin, and this can result in distressing wrinkles and creases that many men and women would prefer to avoid.

Radiesse is a unique type of filler that consists of tiny microspheres of a synthetic material called calcium hydroxyapatite. It is FDA approved for correcting moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles, and it most recently approved for hand rejuvenation, too!

Radiesse Treatment Areas

For most patients, Radiesse is a fantastic filler because it beautifully addresses common concerns like smile lines, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, lost volume in the cheeks, and creating symmetrical features.

Unlike some other fillers, Radiesse is best suited to enhance the appearance of your face around your cheeks and mouth.

Who Should Get Radiesse?

Men and women of all ages can be great candidates for Radiesse depending on their overall goals. For some, Radiesse is an excellent way to get killer cheekbones or correct asymmetry on their face.

Radiesse is also a fantastic treatment option for those looking to see an immediate improvement in volume as well as giving a boost to your body’s collagen production.

What to Expect During Your Radiesse Session

Radiesse appointments run similarly to other fillers and injectables. Depending on the size of the area you want to treat, your cosmetic goals, and how severe the volume loss is in that area, this procedure can last anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes.

Vibrant Dermatology is here to make sure that you have experience safe and effective treatments that are also comfortable. For this reason, Dr. Ip may apply a topical anesthetic to reduce any possible pain in the area throughout the procedure.

Once your Radiesse treatment is complete, you may see results right away. Thankfully, your beautiful results can last anywhere from 6 to 24 mores, making Radiesse one of the longest lasting fillers on the market.

All About Recovery Times and Results

While there is some discomfort associated with Radiesse, Dr. Ip will apply a numbing medication to increase your comfort and any residual discomfort can be treated with Tylenol and some rest.

After the first 24 hours, most patients notice that the swelling has gone down and they can begin to see the true, gorgeous scope of their results. In order to reduce swelling further, Dr. Ip will discuss post-procedure care with you, including applying ice intermittently.

This procedure does not have any downtime and patients can resume their normal activities right away. If bruising or redness is present, patients can use their own makeup products to reduce their visibility.

Radiesse can truly work wonders by restoring lost volume, creating a more youthful appearance, and enhancing your natural features. Many patients are highly satisfied with their results from Radiesse treatments!

Why Dr. Ip Recommends Radiesse

For patients who are looking to get fantastic results from a single treatment, which can treat both signs of aging and facial asymmetry, Radiesse is often an excellent choice. The fact that Radiesse is long-lasting and does not require downtime also leads Dr. Ip to frequently recommend this procedure to her patients.

Based on the discussion you and Dr. Ip will have during your consultation, she may recommend Radiesse as the perfect option for you.

Contact Us

Leave your skincare to the experts. To learn more about how Radiesse can enhance your appearance, make sure you work with a board-certified dermatologist. If you would like to experience premier dermatological care to achieve beautiful and healthy skin, please schedule your appointment with Dr. Ip today.

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