
Revamp Your Acne Treatment

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it. At Vibrant Dermatology, we are dedicated to providing you with a range of acne treatments to stop acne in its tracks.

What Is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that develops when your pores become clogged. Your pores consist of a sebaceous gland, which produces sweat and oil, and a hair follicle. 

These can easily become clogged by excess oil and dead skin cells, causing bacteria to accumulate and your skin to become inflamed. This inflammation eventually leads to the formation of visible bumps.

Not all acne is the same. There are many different types of acne, including:

  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Pustules
  • Cysts

Although acne is commonly associated with adolescence and your teenage years, acne can affect people of all ages. It can result from hormones, stress, poor diet, medications, and genetics. Experiencing a flare-up can not only hurt your confidence but can also be painful and lead to scarring.

Different types of acne have various causes and require specialized treatments. At Vibrant Dermatology, we offer a range of acne treatments to help you achieve smoother, clearer skin.

How Is Acne Treated?

Treating active breakouts and avoiding future flare-ups often starts with a skincare routine. A routine involves finding the right cleansers and moisturizers to fit your skin’s needs. 

Traditional acne treatments often include topical or oral medications for more severe breakouts. These types of prescriptions are often effective but come with the risk of potential side effects.

If you are looking for more advanced acne treatment without the risk of side effects, our team at Vibrant Dermatology has got you covered. We offer two types of procedures to help clear your skin: chemical peels and our NeoClear laser acne treatment.

NeoClear Laser Acne Treatment

NeoClear is a laser acne treatment effective on all types of acne, particularly pustular, comedonal, and cystic acne. This advanced laser technology can reduce inflammation, destroy bacteria, and stimulate collagen growth in as little as one treatment. 

As a result, NeoClear helps clear active breakouts, prevent future ones, and reduce the appearance of acne scars, leaving you with smoother, clearer skin.

How Does It Work?

This laser acne treatment works by penetrating your skin to address the core causes of acne. The NeoClear laser delivers 650-microsecond pulses that disrupt your body’s natural inflammatory process by targeting your blood vessels. This method relieves pressure on nearby tissues, reducing any redness and pain caused by your acne.

The laser also targets your sebaceous glands and acne-causing bacteria to prevent your pores from becoming clogged and infected. At the same time, the heat caused by the laser stimulates your body’s natural collagen production, which minimizes scars and promotes healthy, glowing skin.

What Can NeoClear Help with?

NeoClear is an effective treatment for patients struggling with acne and acne scarring. This procedure can be safely performed on anyone, regardless of skin type and tone. It’s an excellent option for people who have not found success with more traditional acne treatments. 

Our laser treatment targets the root causes of acne by decreasing overactive sebum production, alleviating inflammation, and removing bacteria. This treatment is effective against all types of acne and can target acne on the face, neck, back, chest, and torso. NeoClear is also beneficial for lingering acne scars due to previous flare-ups. 

What Can I Expect During a NeoClear Procedure?

We will begin your NeoClear laser acne treatment by treating the affected areas with the laser light to eliminate bacteria on your skin. This approach also helps minimize enlarged pores and improve the texture and tone of your skin. 

Then, we will target any active breakouts by focusing on any visible acne spot to reduce the breakout inflammation and help advance your body’s natural healing process.

In total, your treatment session will last about 10-30 minutes, depending on your particular acne and treatment area. There is no downtime, so you can expect a quick, simple procedure that you can easily fit into a busy day.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels improve your tone and texture by exfoliating the upper layers of your skin. They are categorized by strength: light, medium, and deep. Higher-strength peels penetrate deeper into your skin, allowing for more dramatic changes. 

Because more layers of skin are being affected, deeper peels require a more extended recovery period for your skin to complete the rejuvenation process.

How Do They Work?

Unlike other acne treatments, chemical peels work by jumpstarting your body’s natural regenerative process. The chemicals cause your skin to “blister” and remove the outermost layer of dead cells, making room for the new, healthy ones underneath. Depending on your goals, we offer three different types of peels.

Our salicylic and glycolic acid peels are light superficial peels that treat acne, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and fine lines.

Our modified Jessner’s peel is stronger and more effective at treating textural changes caused by acne scarring and sun damage.

Our VI Peel uses a custom blend of peeling agents to clear hyperpigmentation, acne, wrinkles, and sun damage, leaving you with a glowing complexion.

What Does a Chemical Peel Help with?

We use chemical peels to treat various skin conditions beyond just acne and acne scars. A chemical peel can improve the quality of your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sunspots, hyperpigmentation, and uneven texture.

What Can I Expect During a Chemical Peel?

Before applying the chemical peel, we will cleanse your face to remove any excess oil or product. Then, once we’ve applied the peel, your skin will begin the rejuvenation process, and you may experience a warm, itchy, or tingly sensation. The procedure lasts about 20-30 minutes with no downtime. 

Your recovery time will depend on your skin type and the type of chemical peel you get. As your skin begins to heal, you’ll notice your skin start flaking and peeling. 

After your procedure, we will provide you with personalized post-treatment care designed around your particular skincare, products, and lifestyle. 

Leave Your Acne to the Experts

If you’re ready to get expert acne care, visit our team at Vibrant Dermatology in Dedham, MA. Our chemical peels and laser acne treatment may be just the solution you’ve been looking for. Call today to schedule your consultation.