
KeraFactor: The Best Hair Loss Treatment in Sharon, MA

Hair loss, thinning, and balding can negatively impact your appearance. There are many root causes of hair loss, but the effects are unpleasant regardless of the reason. 

At Vibrant Dermatology, we are committed to helping you regrow healthy locks. If you are near the Sharon, MA, area, consider KeraFactor treatments for hair regrowth and thickening. 

Why You Lose So Much Hair

Both men and women suffer from hair loss for various reasons. Some causes of hair loss are genetic, while others are related to lifestyle factors and aging. 


Some hair loss conditions run in families. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male-pattern baldness, is a genetic condition, which means that men who inherit it within their families will experience hair loss and balding early in life. 

There is nothing you can do to prevent genetic hair loss. With the right interventions, like KeraFactor treatments, you can reverse balding and regrow healthy locks again.


Your hormones affect every part of your body. If you have hormone imbalances, your hair could start to fall out, change texture, or you could even go bald. This issue sometimes happens during pregnancy; your body produces hormones that make your scalp hold on to hair that you would normally shed. 

Menopause is another crucial time for your hair and hormones. If you often lose clumps of hair and notice thinning or balding spots on your scalp, it is time to consider KeraFactor hair loss treatments.

Pregnancy and Postpartum

Once you have your baby, the hormones that kept your hair thick, shiny, and long start to go away. As a result, you may experience intense shedding, thinning, and balding. Many women maintain normal amounts of hair after postpartum hair loss, but some do not. That is where effective female hair loss treatments like KeraFactor come in.

Tight Hairstyles

If you often style your hair in a bun, ponytail, braids, or other tight hairstyles, your scalp becomes stressed. It may become harder to hold on to your hair dye. Tight hairstyles can lead to headaches and hair loss in extreme cases. If you find that you have several bald spots after styling your hair in these ways, your hairstyles could be the culprit. 


People who experience high stress levels often lose lots of hair. Your body produces stress hormones in response to life stressors like work problems, family conflict, and medical problems. Chronic stress can lead to hair thinning and balding. 

If your stress levels cause permanent damage to your scalp and hair growth process, relaxation will not reverse your hair loss. That is why KeraFactor is one of the best hair loss treatments on the market; it can help you regrow hair that you lost in stressful situations. 

What Is KeraFactor?

KeraFactor is a specialized hair growth serum that contains beneficial growth factors and proteins. When this serum absorbs into your scalp, it can promote healthy hair regrowth over time. 

KeraFactor treatments involve two steps – laser applications and serum applications. First, we use a laser on your scalp to open it up to receive the serum. The laser creates microchannels or small holes that will allow your scalp to absorb KeraFactor. Then we massage KeraFactor into your scalp so it can work its magic on your hair. 

The microchannels created by the laser are tiny and safe for healthy scalps. This is the best way to use the KeraFactor serum and ensure that it is fully absorbed. 

KeraFactor Treatment Plans

Every patient is different, so your treatment plan may look different than someone else’s. On average, patients need six KeraFactor sessions to see a remarkable difference in their hair growth. 

The number of treatment sessions you need will depend on how well your body uses the KeraFactor serum. We create microchannels with lasers to increase the effectiveness of the serum, but there are many factors in the success of the treatment. 

For example, if you have extensive scalp damage, it may be harder for you to regrow your hair. We will evaluate your scalp’s current condition during your KeraFactor consultation. This evaluation will help us determine whether KeraFactor is the best hair loss treatment for you. 

Healthy Regrowth: Your KeraFactor Results

Patients are usually very excited to see the difference in their hair after KeraFactor treatments. It takes six to eight weeks after your first KeraFactor session to start seeing sufficient hair regrowth. You will notice bald spots filling in, thinning areas becoming thicker, and your hair growing longer. 

The proteins in the KeraFactor serum promote healthy regrowth. We know that you want high-quality locks, not just additional length. This benefit is what makes KeraFactor a unique, wonderful hair loss treatment. You can expect strong, healthy locks from your KeraFactor results. 

Why Choose KeraFactor?

There are many benefits to choosing KeraFactor as your hair loss treatment. This beneficial serum has helped thousands of patients regrow hair and improve their scalp health. 

Some reasons that you should choose KeraFactor include:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Fast results
  • Convenient treatments
  • Healthy hair regrowth
  • Reduced or eliminated balding
  • Thicker hair
  • Healthier scalp
  • Less expensive than other hair loss treatments
  • Comfortable procedure
  • Nourishing proteins and growth factors

If you want to improve your scalp health and regrow long, healthy locks, choose KeraFactor today. 

KeraFactor Hair Loss Treatments in Sharon, MA

Are you a man or woman experiencing unwanted hair loss, thinning, and bald spots? Come to Vibrant Dermatology for KeraFactor treatments. We will book an initial consultation to determine whether KeraFactor is right for you. Book your hair loss treatments with us today!