IPL Treatment

Having more than one aesthetic concern is perfectly normal, but it can make finding the right treatment a little more difficult if you want to address all of your aesthetic concerns at once. At Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD in Dedham, MA, we are proud to offer IPL treatment for a variety of aesthetic concerns to anyone in the Boston, Dedham, Westood, Norwood, Canton, Sharon, Milton, Walpole, Foxboro, or Needham areas.

What Is IPL Treatment?

Intense pulsed light is a type of laser-based treatment that is revolutionizing what laser treatments can do. At our clinic, we use Spectrum, which is more flexible and versatile than many other laser treatments on the market. Spectrum can treat a wide variety of aesthetic concerns, including:

Hair Removal

Hair removal treatments are those that significantly reduce the amount of hair grown by hair follicles on virtually any area of the body, such as the face, underarms, chest, stomach, back, and legs.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Laser treatments for anti-aging have the ability to stimulate the production of collagen within the dermis to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on most areas of the face, as well as greatly reducing skin laxity on the cheeks, chin, and neck.

Acne and Acne Scarring

Light pulsed technology is capable of both killing acne-causing bacteria at the source, as well as breaking up old scar tissue from previous acne break-outs to smooth the skin surface, close enlarged pores, and reduce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Vascular Reduction

Vascular reduction refers to the correction of visible spider veins, varicose veins, and broken capillaries visible on the skin surface. This works because the laser energy heats the damaged blood vessel and causes it to collapse over time.


Pigmentation on the skin is a superficial concern that refers to dark spots and sun damage associated with aging.

Tattoo Removal

Intense pulsed light can also remove tattoos from the surface of the skin to painlessly return skin to a blank canvas.

How It Works

Intense pulsed light is laser technology that works by generating thermal heat, which penetrates the sub-dermal layers of skin to heat tissues and stimulates the body’s natural regenerative response, including the acceleration of wound healing and the production of collagen.

Spectrum technology is also diverse enough to injure hair follicles to slow the growth of hair and gently heat pigment in tattoos to aid in their removal. This non-ablative laser can also correct vascular issues on the face and body.

Are You a Good Candidate?

Good candidates for this unique laser treatment include anyone who has one or more of the aesthetic concerns listed above. If you want to perfect the surface of your skin, reduce visible signs of aging, correct vascular issues, slow hair growth, or remove tattoos, then this treatment is likely right for you.

Take Advantage of the Diversity of IPL Treatments

Whether you only have one aesthetic concern or you have multiple, treatments with Spectrum can be your all-in-one solution too all of your superficial appearance concerns. Contact us today to learn more and book a consultation!