How Can You Stop Excessive Sweating?

Hyperhidrosis is when the body produces excessive sweat. It’s very common, with millions of people worldwide struggling to cover it up. At Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD in Dedham, MA, we understand how embarrassing excessive sweating can be, and we’re here to help you find the right solution for your needs.

How Can You Stop Excessive Sweating?


Using an antiperspirant is one of the most obvious ways to cover up excessive sweating. The chemical compounds that form antiperspirants act almost like a cork. They block the pores they’ve been applied to so their ability to produce sweat is hindered.

Antiperspirants usually contain fragrances as well to mask odor throughout the day.

Does Deodorant Work the Same Way?

While many antiperspirants can also serve as deodorants, deodorants by themselves are not antiperspirants. That’s because deodorants are designed just to cover up body odor. They’re not meant to stop any sweat, whereas antiperspirants are usually made to cover up both sweat and odor.

Sometimes Antiperspirants Aren’t Enough

For some patients, over-the-counter antiperspirants may not be enough. You may find yourself having to dash to the bathroom throughout the day to keep applying, or rotating between different brands and ingredients in an attempt to find something that will work.

To add even more frustration, some people are able to find that good fit, only to have it stop being effective for them later on.

Prescription Antiperspirants May Help

There is an abundance of over-the-counter antiperspirants. If you find yourself at the end of your rope buying up all of them and still not finding the right solution, a prescription antiperspirant may be able to help. Prescription antiperspirants are stronger, and usually contain a higher percentage of the most effective active ingredients.

Our office would be happy to explore different prescription antiperspirant options for you. We can take a look at your needs and your skin sensitivity, and give you our recommendation on what we think has the best chance of helping you out.

Oral Medication

If you don’t want to rely on antiperspirants, or if you experience sweating in other areas of your body, there are other options you can consider as well. Some oral medications are able to tell your body to slow down its sweat production.

When you come in for a consultation, we can take a look at your eligibility, and whether or not an oral medication may be the right fit for your life.


If you’re looking for a solution that lasts longer and requires less upkeep than oral medications or antiperspirants, you may want to consider Botox injections. These injections aren’t limited to under your arms. Other areas that can be treated with Botox can include:

  • Hands
  • Feet
  • The facial area

This versatility makes it an excellent treatment option for patients who struggle with sweat in multiple areas of their bodies.

Understanding Botox

Botox can be used for many different medical conditions. It is formed out of the microbes that cause botulism, but is considered very safe when it’s applied by a professional. It has been used for many years and has been put through rigorous testing.

At the start, Botox made its debut as a cosmetic treatment. It’s still used for cosmetic reasons today, but more uses for Botox are being discovered as time goes on. Cosmetically, it’s great at reducing wrinkles, but it is also used to treat muscle spasms, migraines, and hyperhidrosis.

How Long Will Botox Treatments Last?

You can expect your results to last about six months. That means many patients can come in just twice a year for treatment, and be worry-free for months on end.

Some patients may have to come in more often, while others may be able to go a year or more between their treatments. It’s such an effective treatment that some insurance carriers recognize its importance and are willing to cover it.

How Does It Work?

Botox interferes with the communication between your sweat glands and your nerves. Usually, the nervous system will sense when the body temperature rises and will tell your sweat glands to produce sweat so you can cool down.

For people with hyperhidrosis, the nerves that talk to our sweat glands tend to be overactive, sometimes severely.

Only Treated Areas Are Affected

Botox paralyzes the overactive nerves, so the treated area never gets that signal to produce sweat. It’s important to note that Botox will only stop sweating in the areas it’s injected into.

This is a good thing. It allows your body to still regulate its temperature without drenching you in sweat in the most noticeable areas.

What To Expect From Your Results

There’s no downtime for Botox, so after your treatment, you can get back to your usual activities. As time goes on, your results should become more noticeable. Within a week, you will usually see a significant sweat reduction.

Many patients will enjoy the results at their best after they’ve passed the two-week mark. At this point, we may recommend you come in for a follow-up appointment so we can address any areas that need a touch-up.

Understanding Hyperhidrosis

It Can Affect Different Areas of the Body

One of the most common forms of hyperhidrosis is axillary, meaning it mainly targets under your arms. Other patients may struggle with excessive sweat on their hands, feet, face, scalp, or their body as a whole. Regardless of what areas are affected, we can work with you to find the right treatment.

It Can Have Different Causes

Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis

Sometimes referred to as “idiopathic hyperhidrosis,” primary focal hyperhidrosis doesn’t have a clear cause. When no cause behind hyperhidrosis can be determined, the excessive sweat itself is treated as a medical condition.

Many people who struggle with this form of excessive sweating may notice a symmetrical pattern. If, for instance, your hands sweat excessively, primary focal hyperhidrosis usually won’t just affect one hand. It’s more likely to affect both of your hands.

Secondary Generalized Hyperhidrosis

If your increased sweat levels are caused by either medication or another condition, it likely falls under the category of secondary generalized hyperhidrosis.

You may experience increased sweat levels if you have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Menopause
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Gout
  • Pituitary conditions
  • Diabetes


Benefits of Seeking Professional Treatment

1. Fewer Sweat Stains

Sweat stains can be stubborn. Even with multiple attempts and different strategies, they may not wash out. These yellow stains can be especially rough on white clothing. Throwing a favorite shirt or dress away is not only costly, but it can be a source of frustration and discouragement.

When you find the right treatment, you won’t have to worry so much about wearing your favorite outfit on a hot day. Rather than keeping your best clothes in the wardrobe in an attempt to preserve them, you can actually enjoy them.

Deodorant Stains Can Strike Too

If you rely on dark clothes to hide sweat, you may come across a different kind of stain – the chalky, white stains that can show up on dresses or even through some shirts.

Whether you prefer to wear dark or light clothes, a treatment that reduces sweat and reliance on less effective antiperspirants can help you express yourself however you want to.

2. Increased Confidence

Excessive sweat can be distracting. When you’re just enjoying your day, a special date, or trying to nail an interview, the last thing you want to deal with is a distraction. To make matters worse, sometimes the fear of sweating can actually increase your body’s sweat response.

When sweat builds up under the arms, it can make patients constantly mindful of not raising their arms too high, which may make their body language feel stiff or stifled. The right treatment can help you feel more confident. With less on your mind, you can redirect your energy into getting yourself ready for the moment, rather than worrying about embarrassment.

3. Be Ready for a Special Event

If you have an especially important event coming up, getting everything prepared can be a lot of work and stress. Having excessive sweat treated ahead of time can take one thing off your plate, which can make all the difference when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

4. Feel Cleaner Throughout the Day

Excessive sweating can add another level of exhaustion to work. Besides smuggling antiperspirant in and re-applying on your breaks, it can also get in the way of social life. If your coworkers or friends want to meet for dinner after your shift, you may not have the time to rush home and freshen up.

Rather than missing the gathering or feeling self-conscious during it, the right treatment may allow you to be more spontaneous and make the most of your time.

5. A Greater Sense of Wellbeing

Being able to raise your arms without a second thought is something that seems like a small thing if you don’t struggle with excessive sweat. The truth is, those little things make a big difference in daily life. That constant concern over sweat stains can sap the joy out of activities with friends, or can add stress when you’re running errands and have to reach up for something on a shelf.

Hyperhidrosis doesn’t just affect how you feel when you leave your home. Sometimes excessive sweat can interfere with sleep, as some patients will wake up with their pajamas sticking to them or smelling of sweat despite having been clean when they went to bed.

6. Many Non-Invasive Treatment Options To Explore

Seeking out treatment may feel overwhelming or scary, but it doesn’t have to be! For every treatment that doesn’t seem like a good fit, there are more options to take its place. We know every person and situation is unique, and we’re ready to work with your comfort levels to find you something that can help.

Struggling with excessive sweat can feel lonely and embarrassing, but we’re here to root for you and be your support system. Our hope is to bring you the help you need to be more comfortable and confident in your body.

7. Your Comfort Is Key

In addition to helping you be more comfortable in your body, we want you to feel comfortable with your treatment options. As such, we’d be happy to answer any of your questions or concerns during a consultation.

You’ll be able to tell us what your needs are, and we can work together to go through the treatments we offer to find what you’re comfortable with. Helping people is our joy, and your happiness is our success.

Care You Can Rely On

Our award-winning care, extensive knowledge and experience, as well as the passion and drive to help our patients is the backbone of our practice. If you’re ready to see how we can put our hard work to the test for you, reach out to Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD of Dedham, MA, today to schedule your consultation.