
Who Can Develop Keloids

Anyone who experiences an injury to their skin, whether that is a surgical incision that is carefully sutured or an accidental laceration, can develop a keloid as a result. Keloids are a distinct type of scar, marked by an overgrowth of proteins during the healing process, making it a condition that men and women of all ages and ethnicities.

However, keloids are more likely to develop on individuals with African descent and those of Mediterranean ancestry.

What Causes Keloids?

Unfortunately, the medical community has not found the precise reason why healing wounds can sometimes develop into keloids. The same person may experience some “normal” scars and keloids, making it even more difficult to pinpoint a cause.

However, we do know that keloids form as a result of the body creating excessive proteins during the healing process. Instead of forming a uniform, flat scar that can lighten over time, these excessive proteins create large, bulbous scars that are uneven, dark, and may continue to grow over time.

The majority of people will never form keloids on their skin, but some people may develop them after small injuries, burns, acne spots, and insect bites.

Treatment Options for Keloids

Keloids may return after they have been removed professionally since the body “restarts” the scarring process in order to heal the wound where the removed keloid was. This is a frustrating problem that leads many individuals to avoid treatment for their scar. This is why it’s imperative to see a dermatologist. Your dermatologist will review the treatment options for keloids and develop a plan to improve the appearance of keloids.

Treatments such as using silicone scar sheets, pressure dressings (or pressure earrings when lesions are present on the ears), surgical excision followed by radiation or local injection of a corticosteroid, intralesional corticosteroid injection repeated monthly until the keloid is flattened, intralesional 5-FU, cryotherapy (freezing) and laser treatments can all help the appearance of a keloid.

It is important to see a specialist when seeking treatment for a keloid. Because they may return following removal, it is important that keloids are managed by a board-certified dermatologist.

Contact Us

Leave your skincare to the experts. Though keloids are a type of scar, they can become uncomfortable and large as well as a cause of insecurity. If you would like to experience premier dermatological care to achieve beautiful and healthy skin, please schedule your appointment with Dr. Ip today.