
Can You Reverse Male Balding?

Male pattern baldness is a condition that causes your hair to become thinner and less abundant. If you have this condition, you are likely to develop bald patches on your head or a receding hairline. At Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD in Dedham, Massachusetts, we can use several different hair regrowth techniques to treat your hair loss.

If you live in or around Boston, Dedham, Westwood, Norwood, Milton, Walpole, Canton, Sharon, Foxboro, or Needham, read on to learn how our hair loss treatments can benefit you.

Can You Reverse Male Balding?

Male pattern baldness, which scientists call androgenetic alopecia, is one of the most common causes of hair loss. In fact, the majority of men in the United States will develop issues with hair loss at some point in their adulthood.

Since we can use cosmetic techniques to reverse male balding, your hair loss doesn’t have to be permanent. One of the best hair regrowth treatments is platelet-rich plasma therapy, commonly known as PRP therapy. In addition to improving hair loss, this innovative treatment is used to heal muscles, joints, and ligaments.

How Can PRP Therapy Improve My Male Pattern Baldness?

PRP therapy uses growth factors in your blood to improve your hair loss. After we have collected a small amount of your blood, we will purify this sample by putting it into a centrifuge for about ten minutes. This process will allow us to isolate the platelets in your blood. Next, we will use a syringe to inject the PRP substance into the locations where you are experiencing hair loss.

We will instruct you to avoid using harsh shampoos and conditioners for a few days after your appointment. Aside from treating your hair gently for a couple of days, you’ll be able to follow your usual routine.

Can I Use Other Techniques to Address My Hair Loss?

In addition to using PRP therapy, we have a wide variety of other hair regrowth techniques. These treatments include taking topical and oral medications, using supplements, and receiving laser light treatments. Depending on the condition of your hair, we may use a combination of these techniques to improve your look.

Who Is an Appropriate Candidate for These Hair Loss Treatments?

If your hairline has begun to recede or you have bald spots on the top of your head, you are likely to be suffering from male pattern baldness. If this issue bothers you, you should consider receiving a hair restoration treatment.

To craft an appropriate hair regrowth plan for you, we will conduct a thorough examination of your hair and scalp during your initial meeting with us. We may also order blood work or tell you to receive a scalp biopsy. Once we have determined the cause of your hair loss, we will set up a customized hair regrowth plan for you.

Regain Your Hair

Losing your hair can damage your self-esteem and cause you to feel older and less attractive. Fortunately, hair regrowth treatments will address this issue by reversing your male pattern baldness. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!