Aerolase for Acne

Whether it’s minor or severe, dealing with acne is never fun, especially when it doesn’t seem like anything you do can manage to control repeated breakouts and flare-ups. If over-the-counter products and treatments have failed you, then you may be searching for a way to save your skin before acne leaves a permanent mark on your skin. At Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD in Dedham, MA we’re confident that we have an acne treatment that will work for you, such as Aerolase.

What Is Aerolase?

Aerolase is a gentle skin rejuvenating laser treatment ideal for the correction of multiple appearance-related concerns. As a non-ablative laser, this treatment can be used for both mild and moderate skin issues, as well as on multiple skin types and tones. In addition to acne-related skin concerns, this treatment can also correct fine lines, mild skin laxity, uneven skin tone, uneven skin texture, and sun damage.

What Kind of Acne Does Aerolase Treat?

Acne has many causes and symptoms that make it frustrating to treat. Often times, it seems like once you get one symptom under control, another symptom pops up to literally take its place. In particular, this treatment is proving to be a powerful solution for a wide variety of acne-related superficial skin concerns, including:

  • Blemishes
  • Whiteheads and blackheads
  • Pimples
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Dark spots
  • Enlarged pores
  • Scarring


How Does Treatment Work?

This is a non-ablative laser, which means that it does not cause damage to the skin. Instead, this laser treatment utilizes light and energy pulses that seep beneath the surface layer of skin to stimulate the body’s natural regenerative abilities within the sub-dermal layers of skin. This laser treatment is unique to other laser treatments as well, as it targets multiple causes of skin-related issues including melanin, hemoglobin, and water. Each of these factors contributes to the condition and appearance of skin.

The treatment itself involves a few steps, including:

Step One: Prep for Treatment

Because this is a non-ablative laser treatment, you will not feel any discomfort during the treatment. However, you will still have to prepare your skin for treatment, which means arriving at your appointment with a fresh face clean of make-up, lotion, and sun-screen.

Step Two: Global Treatment

Your Aerolase Treatment will first include a global treatment, which is where one of our aesthetic professionals will apply the laser treatment to your entire face. This is done for two reasons; first, the global treatment destroys all acne-causing bacteria on the skin surface that may contribute to future breakouts, and second, the global treatment will ensure the results of your treatment are cohesive.

Step Three: Spot Treatment

The laser device will then be passed over your skin a second time to focus on particular areas of concern, such as current flare-ups, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, redness, enlarged pores, and clogged pores.

What Are Results Like?

Results for this treatment will address all major skin concerns at once. For acne-prone skin, this treatment will help control acne-causing bacteria, minimize breakouts, and resolve blemishes more quickly. Those who have scarring caused by long struggles with breakouts, this treatment will also smooth the appearance of the skin by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, which will smooth and restore skin to an even texture. Enlarged pores can also be shrunk with this treatment, which may also prevent future breakouts.

How Long Do Results Last?

The results for this treatment can last a long time, sometimes for several months at a time. How long your results last will depend on your particular skin type, age, and the severity of your skin condition. Some people will experience results that last for nearly a year, while others may find that results only last for six or so months.

Other FAQ About Aerolase

1. How Do You Prepare for Aerolase Treatment?

Although this is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment, there may still be some things you need to do to prepare so you can make sure you get the best possible results. We may provide you with pre-treatment instructions before your appointment so you can prep your skin. These pre-treatment instructions may include:

  • Do not use exfoliating treatments or products
  • Avoid using retinol products
  • Do not wear make-up or other face products to appointment


2. What Are Post-Treatment Instructions?

Laser treatments typically involve a few follow-up rules while your skin is still vulnerable in the seven to 10 days following your treatment. We may provide you with post-treatment instructions to follow during this time. Some of these post-treatment instructions may include:

  • No direct sunlight and unprotected sun exposure
  • Avoid excess heat and sweating
  • Use gentle cleansers
  • Do not use skin-irritating products
  • Do not exfoliate or use retinol products
  • Do not use heavy moisturizers
  • Always wear lightweight SPF 30 or higher


3. How Many Treatments Will You Need Before You Can See Results?

The number of treatments you will need will depend on your exact skin condition and your appearance-related goals. For the treatment of acne-prone skin, it’s typical to expect about four to six sessions spaced several weeks apart to attain desired appearance goals. You may require fewer or more treatments based on the severity of your acne-related issues.

In general, most people will see initial results from treatment after about a month following the first appointment. It may take a total of six months to fully resolve skin issues and achieve the desired results; this is because the results of this treatment appear gradually as collagen production builds over time and acne-causing bacteria are continually controlled or eliminated.

4. Will You Need Follow-Up Treatments?

Yes, you may require follow-up treatments after your initial treatments are completed. The follow-up treatments will help manage any breakouts before they start, which will protect your results. It’s common for follow-up treatments to occur once every few months. We will help you determine the frequency of your treatment to maintain your results.

5. How Can You Maintain Results?

Other than follow-up treatments, there are certain changes you can make and habits you can instill to maintain your results. Some of these methods include:

Skincare Products and Routine

Using the right skincare products is absolutely essential to controlling acne-causing bacteria and preventing flare-ups before they happen. Those with acne-prone skin might consider using medical-grade skincare products that contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinoids. If you are interested in using skincare products to maintain results, please let us know so we can help you find the product that works best for your skin type.

Your skincare routine is also essential to maintain results. Those with normal, oily, and combination skin may want to adopt a skincare routine that includes washing the face twice a day, using a toner, and a moisturizer; those with sensitive skin may only need to wash their face once a day, use a toner, and a light-weight moisturizer.

Topical or Prescription Medication

If you have particularly stubborn or severe breakouts, you may consider using topical or prescription medication to treat your skin and control flare-ups. We can prescribe medication that will work for your skin-type and acne-related condition.


Drinking enough water each day helps your body filter out toxins, including acne-causing bacteria. Adults should drink at least 48 to 72 oz of water each day for adequate hydration.

Regular Sleep

A regular sleep cycle may also help manage breakouts, as will regularly changing your pillowcase, which may retain acne-causing bacteria. Getting enough sleep allows the body to regulate hormones and the skin to have normal shedding cycles.

Low Stress

Some people have stress-related acne flare-ups which are generally caused by stress hormones that interfere with the normal microbiome of the skin and may cause blemishes to appear, particularly on the forehead and cheeks. Managing your stress may also help you manage your skin.


Both women and men can have hormonal acne, which is generally caused by fluctuations in hormones that change the normal behavior of the skin and cause breakouts. For example, it’s common for women to have acne-related issues during the premenstrual cycle. Hormone regulation may help manage your breakouts.

6. Can You Enhance Results With Other Cosmetic Treatments?

Absolutely. You can enhance the results of this non-ablative laser treatment with several other cosmetic treatments that can help control acne-prone skin, as well as help reduce scarring, uneven skin tone, and uneven skin texture. Some cosmetic treatments you might consider include facials, chemical fills, certain dermal fillers, and even manual acne extractions.

7. Is This Treatment Safe?

Yes. This treatment is not painful and does not harm the skin.

8. Can All Skin Types and Tones Use This Treatment?

Yes. Unlike some laser treatments that can only be used on certain skin types and tones, this laser treatment can be safely used on all skin. In fact, the light-pulse energy used for this treatment is one of the only laser technologies that can be used on medium and darker complexions.

9. Is There a Best Time for Treatment?

No. You can have this treatment during any time of the year without fear of complications. As long as you follow the post-treatment instructions to avoid sunlight and excessive heat during your skin’s recovery period, there is no reason why you cannot have this treatment throughout the year.

10. Will You Need a Consultation?

Yes, you will need to attend a consultation appointment before you can have this treatment. The consultation appointment allows us to examine your skin condition, particularly your acne-related issues, to determine if you are eligible for the treatment.

Your consultation will involve a discussion about how the treatment works, reasonable expectations for the treatment, and your overall appearance-related goals. We may discuss any previous treatments you have tried for your acne, including prescription medication, over-the-counter skincare products, and other cosmetic treatments for your acne-related issues. We may also ask for details about your acne-prone skin, such as when your breakouts began and if there is any pattern to your flare-ups.

11. Who Is This Treatment For?

This treatment is for all people who have acne-prone skin, regardless of age, gender, skin type, and skin tone. This is an ideal treatment to address all acne-related skin concerns, as well as other superficial skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, and skin laxity. This treatment may be right for you if you want to:

  • Control breakouts
  • Prevent flare-ups
  • Destroy acne-causing bacteria
  • Correct scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Shrink enlarged pores
  • Eliminate blemishes


Perfect Acne-Prone Skin With Aerolase

Living with acne-prone skin can be both frustrating and disheartening when it seems like no treatments are working to manage breakouts. One of the best treatment options to address all acne-related skin concerns is Aerolase Acne, a gentle non-ablative laser energy treatment that is compatible with all skin types and skin tones. This treatment can help control flare-ups and perfect acne-prone skin – even acne-prone skin that has resisted all other treatments.