Aerolase for Acne

When you live with skin that is prone to constant breakouts, you may feel as though you are constantly on the losing side of a never-ending battle. However, there is a solution that can help you win the fight against acne. At Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD in Dedham, MA, we want to introduce you to Aerolase. This skin-rejuvenating laser treatment can help you finally get clear, beautiful skin in just a few treatments.

What Is Aerolase?

Aerolase is a laser treatment that rejuvenates the skin, improves its overall conditions, and targets, treats, and corrects different complexion concerns. It treats many different skin conditions, from the mildest to most severe skin issues. Aerolase can also be used on different skin types and tones to address problems and improve the skin.

Aerolase is a versatile treatment because not only can it treat and address the signs of acne, but it can also help improve other problematic skin conditions including skin laxity, sun damage, poor skin tone and texture, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Does It Effectively Treat Acne?

Acne comes in many shapes, sizes, and forms. Sometimes, you can spend days addressing one symptom, like a breakout, only to get another symptom when the first one finally heals. This treatment can improve all different forms of blemishes and breakouts as well as other skin conditions. It will:

  • Address and improve the appearance of blemishes
  • Target and control blackheads and whiteheads
  • Help treat pimples
  • Improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation
  • Lighten dark spots
  • Treat scars from old breakouts
  • Reduce the size and overall appearance of your pores


How Does It Work?

When it comes to lasers, non-ablative lasers are those that do not damage the skin. Aerolase is a non-ablative laser that uses light and energy pulses to penetrate the epidermis and heal the skin. What separates this laser from other treatments of its kind is that it can target different skin concerns by affecting the different conditions that affect the appearance of the skin: the melanin in the skin, the hemoglobin, and the water content.

Treatment Preparation

Patients love this treatment because it doesn’t cause any discomfort, but it does create positive changes in the skin. Even though it is a non-ablative laser treatment, there are some ways that you must prepare your skin for treatment to get the best results. You should arrive at your appointment with clean skin, free of makeup, topical products, and sunscreen.

The Global Treatment

The first portion of the Aerolase treatment is known as the global treatment, during which your technician will guide the laser across your entire face. This part of the treatment is designed to destroy the bacteria that causes breakouts and sits on the skin’s surface. It also helps give you the best results by providing you with an all-encompassing and evenly distributed treatment.

Your Spot Treatment

The spot treatment is the second portion of the treatment that involves a second pass of the laser across your entire face. The spot treatment allows the technician to zone in on your problem areas. We can help address different skin conditions with more precision during this part of the treatment, including clogged and enlarged pores, redness and inflammation, and hyperpigmentation.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

This treatment is so powerful because it addresses multiple skin concerns in just one session. Those with acne will see an immediate improvement in the appearance of their breakouts. The laser can help prevent future breakouts, treat active flare-ups, and destroy the bacteria that can cause those skin flare-ups in the first place.

The laser also helps treat breakouts by stimulating collagen and elastin production below the skin’s surface to improve skin tone and texture. It can also minimize pores, which can help prevent blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

How Long Can I Expect My Results To Last?

Once you undergo an Aerolase treatment, you can expect your results to last for several months. Different factors will affect the total amount of time your results last, including your age, skin type, and skin condition.

Some patients undergo treatment and experience results that last for up to one year, while others experience results that last for six months. During your initial consultation, we can provide you with a better idea of how long you can expect your results to last.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Should I Prepare My Skin for My Treatment?

This treatment is completely non-ablative and non-invasive, yet there are some directives you must follow to prepare your skin for your appointment. Following these directives will help ensure that you and your skin are completely prepared to receive this treatment and get the best results possible. Before your treatment, you may be asked to do the following:

  • Temporarily discontinue the use of retinol products
  • Come to your appointment with a clean face, free of cosmetics and other topical products
  • Don’t exfoliate your skin or use exfoliating products


How Do I Care for My Skin Post-Treatment?

After your treatment, your skin needs extra care. Typically, we recommend that you pay extra attention to your skin for at least seven to ten days post-treatment so that you can ensure the best results. Aftercare instructions may include the following directives:

  • Wash your face with a gentle, PH balancing cleanser
  • Avoid excess heat and sweating
  • Do not exfoliate your skin
  • Avoid all products with active ingredients that can irritate the skin
  • Avoid excess heat and activities that cause sweating
  • Avoid heavy moisturizers and lotions
  • Wear a high quality with an SPF of at least 30
  • Avoid excess sun exposure, especially direct sunlight
  • Avoid retinol


How Long Does It Take To See Results?

Different patients require different treatment plans, which affects the total amount of time that it takes to notice results. Those who want to treat and improve the appearance of their acne-prone skin can expect to achieve their desired results after anywhere from four to six treatment sessions with several weeks between each.

Ultimately, the severity of your acne will determine how many treatments you need to see results and when your results will appear. Most patients do notice an improvement in their skin within one month of their initial treatment. Collagen production takes time, yet within six months of your treatment, you will notice better skin as the effects of increased collagen and elastin production increase and the breakout-causing bacteria are eliminated.

How Many Follow-Up Treatments Will I Need?

Once you complete the recommended number of initial treatments, you may need to undergo follow-up treatments to help maintain results. Additional treatments can help you maintain the best results and get one step ahead of breakouts. When you begin treatment, we will provide you with a treatment plan inclusive of the total number of treatments and follow-up treatments you will need to achieve and maintain the best results.

Is There a Way to Maintain My Results?

The best way to maintain your results is to focus on your skincare and your lifestyle. Skincare and lifestyle changes and improvements go a long way in maintaining your results post-treatment and achieving all of your aesthetic goals.

Invest In Professional Skincare Products

When you were in middle school and high school, you may have used the generic washes designed to help prevent breakouts, but now that you’re an adult, it may be time to invest in some better products. The best products for acne-prone skin include those with specific ingredients, including salicylic acid, retinoids, and benzoyl peroxide. Many professional-grade skincare lines contain effective products designed to treat blemish-prone skin and prevent breakouts.

Use Prescription Topical Products as Needed

Sometimes breakouts can become so severe that you need something extra to control those breakouts. That’s where topical products come in. Many different prescription medications come in topical forms that can work along with your Aerolase treatments to help control acne and heal your skin. If your blemishes aren’t improving, consider scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist who can prescribe you a product that works and delivers results.

Drink Enough Water

Hydration is critical to beautiful skin and is even more important to maintain your results. Adequate hydration helps keep your skin moisturized from the inside out and helps flush out toxins that can cause breakouts. Aim for at least 48 ounces of water each day for optimal results and adequate hydration. Once you begin increasing your water intake, you’ll notice positive improvements in the appearance of your skin within 24 hours.

Get Quality Sleep

Poor quality and not enough sleep can negatively impact your skin and lead to breakouts. Focus on going to bed at a reasonable hour so that you can get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Another way to improve your skin at night is to change your pillowcase weekly to avoid excess oil buildup on the pillowcase, which can clog your pores.

Focus on Stress Management

Stress negatively impacts your body on many different levels, and your skin is one of them. Stressful situations release excess cortisol, which can interfere with your skin’s healthy and normal microbiome. Stress breakouts often appear on the cheeks and forehead, but there are easy ways to address these blemishes. Practice some form of self-care each day to help manage your stress levels and avoid excess cortisol production.

Consider Hormone Regulation

Hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on the skin. Hormonal breakouts are some of the worst breakouts because they don’t always respond to topical products. Considering hormone regulation techniques is one way to help manage these breakouts and get your skin back on the right track. You can seek outside help from a hormone specialist or make some changes in your diet to better manage your hormones and your skin.

Who Is a Candidate?

If you want to improve your skin on multiple levels, you are most likely a candidate for this treatment. If you have been struggling with blemishes and breakouts and need a solution that works, Aerolase will help you find relief from your flare-up and skin imperfections. It has many benefits, which is why it is such a popular treatment. Undergoing a treatment plan can help:

  • Prevent the future occurrence of blemishes
  • Obliterate blemish-causing bacteria
  • Reduce your pore size
  • Heal and control your breakouts
  • Improve the appearance of scars resulting from breakouts
  • Reduce the appearance of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Heal blemishes


Perfect Your Skin Today

The solution to your breakouts and all of your problematic skin conditions is just an appointment away. If you want to heal your skin from the inside out and finally achieve a beautiful complexion, we can help. Contact us today at Vibrant Dermatology & Skinbar MD in Dedham, MA and schedule your initial consultation with our experts to learn more about Aerolase and how it can help change your skin for the better.